Katsuya Terada(寺田克也)。漫画家であり、イラストレーター。緻密な線で描いた作品は、耽美で、ダークファンタジーで非現実の世界を作り上げている。世界中で多くのKatsuya Tedaraファンがいる。


2016年には、東京・六本木ヒルズの森美術館で開催された「ルーヴルNo.9  – 漫画、9番目の芸術 -」にて、『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』の荒木飛呂彦、『孤独のグルメ』の谷口ジローらとともに、作品が展示。


寺田さん。本当にありがとうございます。数年前の年末に京都の某旅館 + Cafe Barで初めてお会いした時以降、別け隔てなく接していただきとても感謝しています。仕事として、なんらかの形でご一緒できればと思っていて、この企画にお声がけさせていただきました。

Katsuya Terada (Katsuya Terada). He is a cartoonist and illustrator. The work drawn with precise lines is aesthetic, dark fantasy making up an unreal world. There are many Katsuya Tedara fans all over the world.


In 2016, at the “Louvre No. 9 – Manga, 9 th Art” – held at the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo, works were exhibited by Hirohiko Araki and Jiro Taniguchi.


2017.4.25 ~ It will planning to move the place to Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.

Katsuya Terada |FAVORITE THINGS.

Presented by EVOLG

Question No.1:絵を描くことになったキッカケを教えてください。また、プロとして始めてイラストを描いたときの思い出もぜひご紹介ください。

Please tell me the pleasure that Mr. Terada was going to draw. Also please introduce your memories when you first drew an illustration as a professional.


Since I drawn it when I notice it, my chance is dim. By the time I got something, I was cheering a monster or character of Fujio Akatsuka. Since then, no one told me not to draw, so I just became an adult. When I came to Tokyo and was a professional student in design, I started getting a job from my teacher and seniors. And as soon as I graduated I became freelance. My first job is a jacket illustration of a brain police PANTA LP record “反逆の軌跡” drawn without going to the graduation ceremony.

Katsuya Terada’s first work

Question No.2:尊敬されている作家と、その作家で一番好きな作品を教えてください。

Please tell us the writer you respect and the work you like best about that author.


The writer is Yasutaka Tsutsui. It is because I was reading Tsutsui work that I could affirm myself that I distorted at puberty. The influence of Konohiro Otomo and Taniguchi Jiro is great in manga artists. It is French artist Moebius who influenced paintings. Without him there is no picture of my own.

Question No.3:2016年で印象深い作品、もしくは展示を1つあげるとすれば?

Please tell me one impressive work or exhibition in your 2016 year.


I am seriously saying but I do not remember at all! dangerous. There is no memory. However, as an excuse, I can not say that I do not look back on the past. Anyway, recently I got a lot of live drawing and I enjoyed living in Seattle and Vancouver in 2016.


Question No.4:寺田さんのライフスタイルにおけるお気に入りな3点(もの、こと、ひと、ばしょ、など)をご紹介ください。

Please introduce three favorite things (things, people, place, etc) in Terada’s lifestyle.






My favorite place is my own house. It is a rental house. It is a Japanese house that is 100 years old. My favorite thing is British bicycle, Alex Moulton. I’m still in love since I got it in the late 20’s. When a new model was announced I went to England. Dr. Moulton who made this was already passed away, but at that time I was honored to be greeted and welcomed to the workplace smartly.

Dr. Moulton “How are you drawing a picture? Draw a picture on this bedding.”  It is my life’s memories that I drew, being told by him. I am nervous about what I painted, I do not remember.  But, i remember Dr. Moulton’s smile at that time.



あとは今いちばん触ってる仕事道具のiPad Pro13インチとapple pencil。

Also, the iPad Pro 13 inch and apple pencil, the work tool that I most touched now. Currently, it is the best mobile digital painting material.

iPad Pro13インチとapple pencil

Question No.5:このEVOLGをチョイスした理由をお聞かせください。

Please tell us the reason why you chose this EVOLG..

Katsuya’s Choice [SWEATIE]


It is a design.

Question No.6:最後に、なにか告知したいことがあればお知らせください。

It is the last question. Please let me know if you have anything to announce.

なんと子供の頃から読んでた「柔侠伝」のバロン吉元さんと二人展をやります。光栄すぎて倒れそうだ!(現在実施中。期間:2017.03.18 Sat – 04.23 Sun)




I will do two-person exhibition with Baron Yoshimoto of “柔侠伝” I read from childhood. It is too honored to collapse! (Currently being held. Period: 2017.03.18 Sat – 04.23 Sun)


Also, Illustration Mu of Kim Jung Ki of Korean superb painter is on sale.

I will do my best.



A similar article before by Seanacey Pierce FAVORITE THINGS|Presented by EVOLG

Seanacey Pierce FAVORITE THINGS|Presented by EVOLG