Seanacey Pierce(シャナシー・ピアス)。彼女はアメリカのポートランド出身で現在は日本人の夫と京都在住。京都では、生花の師範、茶道、そして、活版印刷と、彼女の才能と日本文化がミックスされ、観光都市の京都から世界へ発信されている。

Seanacey Pierce. She is from Portland, USA and currently lives in Kyoto with her Japanese husband. In Kyoto, she is doing Master of IKEBANA, tea ceremony, and letterpress printing. Her talent and Japanese culture are mixed, and it is being sent from Kyoto to the world.


ここで動画を1つご紹介。これはシャナシーと京都在住の写真家・Kenji Ushikubo、映像作家 Yohei Cogiの3人が不定期に活動している生花ユニット「Sanbiki」のもの。彼らは、生花では普段使用されることがない季節の野草を使って造形や色彩を、採取できる場所で演出している。

It was about ten years ago when I first saw her. My best friend introduced her. At that year’s Christmas party + year-end party venue. She could not speak Japanese at that time. But, now she got married to my best friend and lives in Kyoto. Today, she not only speaks fluent Japanese but also Master of IKEBANA, the tea ceremony, and letterpress printing that she was studying in college days are also incorporated into life.

Here, I introduce some videos. This is a video of the IKEBANA unit “Sanbiki”. “Sanbiki” is Seanacey, a photographer · kenji Ushikubo, and an Film creator Yohey Cogi’s IKEBANA installation unit. They are acting irregularly.They use the seasonal wild grass that is not normally used in IKEBANA. And, it can produce directive only there, creating shapes and colors.

【foraged Ikebana】毎回一つの場所へ赴き、季節の野草を見つけ、そのままでは決して注目されない、その造形や色を引き出すことによって、こうしたもっとも身近にある草花を知ってもらう(気づいてもらう)小さな機会です。

この才能あるアメリカ・ポートランド出身のSeanacey Pireceさんに生花をすることになったキッカケや、2016年に行った展示について、そして活版印刷を始めたキッカケなど、いくつか質問させていただきました。

I asked a couple of questions. About the opportunity to start IKEBANA to Seanacey Pirece and the reason for starting letterpress printing.

Seanacey Pierce,

Presented by EVOLG

Question No.1:Seanaceyさんが生花を始めようとしたキッカケをおしえてください。

Please tell me the opportunity Seanacey tried to start IKEBANA.


I had always been interested in flowers and plants, but didn’t start formally training in ikebana until I met my husband and began taking lessons from his aunt who is a master ikebana teacher.  From the very beginning, ikebana was so different from the bouquets and floral arrangements I had seen in the U.S.  It was fascinating.

Question No.2:2016年で印象深い作品、もしくは展示を1つあげるとすれば?

Please tell me one impressive work in your 2016 year.


I have been very interested in foraging for flowers and plant materials and using those in ikebana.   In November, I was asked to do an arrangement for an event/multipurpose space in Keihoku in northern Kyoto.  For this project I used a mix of ordered and foraged plant materials.  The people in Keihoku were so kind about pointing out good places to find materials and a nearby resident kindly let me take some beautiful Camellia cuttings from his property.

Question No.3:活版印刷を始めようとしたキッカケを教えてください。

Please tell me the opportunity to start letterpress printing.


I started studying book arts in college: this includes everything from printing, to papermaking, to binding books.  I thought the idea of making my own books was so romantic and I loved mixing inks and looking at different paper combinations.  I always liked stationery and I think people value paper goods in our digital society now more than ever–it is so nice to hold a book in your hands or to get a letter in the mail.  Actually, my very first trip to Japan was to study washi-making and Japanese book-binding.

Question No.4:作品で一番気に入っている印刷物はどれですか?

Which prints do you like the most you print?.


I personally like this print because I am fascinated by old letterpress ornaments (also called dingbats).  They are like antique versions of emoji.  I like thinking about those links between culture 100 years ago and how we live today.

Question No.5:ライフスタイルのお気に入り3点(もの、こと、ひと、ばしょ、など)をご紹介ください。

Please introduce three favorite things of Seanacey.



人:ユミ・サクガワ(イラストレーター / 漫画家)

1.  Book: “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” by Annie Dillard.  This book made a big impression on me because of the way that Dillard talks about the wildness, smallness, hugeness, power, and magic of nature.  It made me look more closely at the plants and animals I see every day.

2.  Place: Walla Walla, Washington.  I love my hometown, Portland, but I really feel at peace in this small town 4 hours to the East.  The drive through the Columbia Gorge is stunning, and once you arrive in Walla Walla you can enjoy wineries, Mexican taco trucks, and a very relaxed vibe.

3.  Person: illustrator Yumi Sakugawa.  Her illustrations and writing are always unique, charming, and satisfying to look at.

Question No.6:このEVOLGをチョイスした理由をお聞かせください。

Please tell us the reason why you chose this EVOLG(Evolg is Japanese Glove Brand for Smartphone).

Seanacey’s Choice [NEW LONG RIB for Ladies GREEN x GRAY]


 I am very attracted to the color of these gloves: subtle and beautiful.  I also like that they can convert from short to long, so no wind can come in the gap between my sleeve and my hand!

Question No.7:最後に、なにか告知したいことがあればお知らせください。

Please let me know if you have anything to announce.


Ikebana classroom is opened in the cafe bar called “Kinse Ryokan” in Kyoto. Please contact us if you are interested.