両国にあるコーヒー焙煎所「Single O Japan」。
2017年の後半からTasting Barとして土曜日、日曜日、そして月曜日だけオープンしています。
彼らは、オーストラリアが発祥。ちなみに、世界一美味しい朝ごはんのレストラン「Bills」は「Single O」のコーヒーをチョイスしていました。
#nodeathtocoffee と、記載されたコーヒー豆の説明カードを見ました。
「Single O」はコーヒーのいま、そして未来を考えています。
A coffee roaster “Single O Japan” in RYOGOKU.
Rooster started several years ago.
Open Saturday, Sunday and Monday as Tasting Bar from late 2017.
They originated in Australia. By the way, the world’s most delicious breakfast restaurant “Bills” has a choice of “Single O” coffee.
I ordered a Mexican coffee called Starmaya.
I saw a description card of coffee beans listed with #nodeathtocoffee.
What do you mean? I asked the staff.
His answer is
“By 2050, there is a possibility that coffee will disappear from this world.
The reason is,
・ The economic hardship of farmers
• Doubled demand due to coffee’s popularity.
A coffee bean called Starmaya is a powerful variety that will change the future of the coffee industry ”
“Single O” is thinking about the present and future of coffee.
Address: 2 Chome-23-2 Kamezawa, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0014
Tasting Bar is open only on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Phone: 03-6240-4455
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