Naoko Hirai who is responsible for marketing & PR at furniture maker Vitra (Switzerland), artek (Finland). Both are very popular brands in Japan, so I think it is a very busy position, but she seems to be lively alive through public and private, even in such circumstances, is very attractive. I interviewed about her daily life.
Suppored by EVOLG
Question No.1:勤務されている会社のご紹介を簡単にお願いいたします。
Would you like to briefly introduce the company you are working for?
I am working in marketing & PR for Vitra, a furniture company from Switzerland, and Altech, an interior brand from Finland.
Question No.2:現在のお仕事をすることになったキッカケを教えていただけますか?
Could you tell me how you came to be in your current position?
I had worked in the fashion industry for nearly 10 years. Even now I like fashion and clothes very much, but after I gave birth, I started thinking that I would like to prioritize a rich and full everyday life, while balancing it with my love of fashion.
Question No.3:お仕事をする上で、常に気にしていることってありますか?
What are your most important work habits?
Trying to use time efficiently.
Also, I’ve become conscious of not only the task at hand, but also how it would affect the entire company, country, society, and the whole world. After I started thinking that way, there are some things that seem like a good idea at the time but really aren’t necessary, and things that seems meaningless at the moment but actually have a big impact.
Question No.4:いま一番気になっている事や、もの、あるいは人を教えてください。
Please tell us the things or people you are most interested in at the moment.
Coffee and Beer. Even though I couldn’t drink them up until last year, I was suddenly able to. Ever since then, I’ve made many new discoveries such as techniques for making or pouring, cups and glasses, and food pairings. I feel happy about the fact that I am still able to try and discover new things even at this age!
Comic artist, Chin Nakamura. She is a great comic artist and also has good business sense because she issues her works not only in paper book format but also on ereaders and social media. Her personal life is also interesting in that she is a lesbian and raising a kid with her partner. I admire her personal freedom at the young age of 31.
Question No.5:このグローブをチョイスした理由や、気分を聞かせてください。
Please tell me the reason why you chose these gloves.
I thought the letters L on the left hand and R on the right hand were retro and adorable.
Question No.5:手袋で思いつくエピソードがあれば教えてください。
Do you have any memorable stories about gloves?
I like the sound of the word “mittens” and I’ve only worn mittens up until now. These are my first five-finger gloves. Five finger gloves are so useful! lol
Question No.6:2018年はどんなしたいですか?
What kind of year would you like to have in 2018?
一つ一つを丁寧に、心と体を穏やかに。楽しい朝、楽しい昼、楽しい夜(乾杯)× 365日の一年にしたいです。
Be careful with each job and stay calm in my mind and body. Try to make the whole year with fun mornings, days, and nights (Cheers!) .