


運転手曰く「John Keaweというハワイ島在住のミュージシャン。彼は最高だよ。」


スラックキーギターの演奏法はハワイで生まれました。それはウクレレやスチール・ギターが誕生するよりも前とのこと。ハワイ語で「KIKA KI HO`ALU」。『KEYをゆるめたギター』という意味。


Speaking of Hawaiian music instruments, what do you imagine?

I think that many people will imagine “ukulele”. When I went on a trip to Bigisland(KONA-Hawaii), music like “Hawaiian Wind” flowed by taxi Radio. The driver says “John Keawe and a musician living in Bigisland, he is the best.” In Hawaii there is a traditional “Slack Key” and tuning of the guitar, I knew he was a player.

Slack key guitar playing method was born in Hawaii. That is before the ukulele and steel guitar are born.

Slack key guitar is “KIKA KI HO` ALU “in Hawaiian. Meaning “guitar loosening KEY”.

Takahashi Kamoku is one of the few slack key guitarist in Japan. He has also played at the Slack Key Guitar Festival in Hawaii.


Suppored by EVOLG

Question No.1:なぜスラックキーギターリストになろうとしましたか?
Could you tell us how you came to be a slack-key gutarist?


ギターの他にもう一つ趣味があって写真を撮ること。カメラが大好きでした。20歳でアパレルの仕事につき、よく写真展を渋谷のパルコギャラリーに見に行ってました。その時出会ったのが「AMBIENT HAWAII」というテーマの写真展。写真、音楽のコラボ展。写真は大好きな写真家・平間 至さんが初めてプライベートな作品を展示する個展。なにげない日常のハワイを撮っていました。


I started playing the guitar as a junior high school student, but at first I played ordinary folk songs. I wanted to be a professional from that time but of course I suffered setbacks. I always had the guitar by my side but I just played around with it.

Other than the guitar, I enjoyed photography. I liked it very much. When I was twenty, I worked for a clothing store and often went out to photo exhibitions at the PARCO gallery in Shibuya. At that time I came across a photo exhibition called “AMBIENT HAWAII”. It was a collaborative exhibition of photographs and music. The photos were taken by my favorite photographer, Itaru Hirama, and it was a solo exhibition of his private work for the first time. He had taken casual photos of everyday Hawaii.

Originally I liked Hawaii, but I had not listened to Hawaiian music much.

But I was interested in the guitar sound that flowed among the photographs in this indescribable way… I immediately purchased the CD and the photo book! The music was played by Yuki Yamauchi, he became my master. From that point I went to Mr. Yamauchi’s house in Itabashi ward and started learning the slack key guitar in earnest. It was the summer of 1998. That’s how I got my foot in the door.

Question No.2:日本人はハワイの音楽といえばウクレレをイメージしますがハワイの人たちはどうですか?
When Japanese people think of Hawaiian music, they usually assume it’s played on a ukulele, but how is it for people in Hawaii?


In general, of course it reminds people in Hawaii of ukuleles, I guess. I assume many people have ukuleles at home that they have been listening and playing.

And singing too. It is part of their normal life, nothing special. The sound of ukulele really fits the climate and the landscape of Hawaii very well!

Question No.3:大好きなスラックキーのギターリストを1名とお好きな曲を3曲教えてください。
Could you tell me your favorite slack key guitarist and three favorite songs?


My master Yuki Yamauchi who is Japanese but has a Hawaiian heart and is respected by Hawaiian musicians. He plays Slack key guitar, ukulele, and steel guitar all in a more Hawaiian style than real Hawaiian people. I am very happy to introduce him here.



3.Rhapsody Lani(ORIGINAL SONG)

Question No.4:いま一番気になっている事や、もの、あるいは人を教えてください。
Please tell us the things or people you are most interested in at the moment.






Well, what I am interested in is the meaning of personal music and how to preserve it. The point is that the format is important to individuals. In the early 80s, CDs were invented in order to prevent music from deteriorating as much as possible! To keep music from deteriorating is what people have asked for and has evolved into the digital age. Until then, cassettes were mainstream and it became all the rage in that era where you could listen to music while walking. Vinyl has gone away from the world. Vinyl to ​​Cassette and then CD era….

Now you can get music without buying CDs. Music data doesn’t even need a jacket design. You don’t need CDs at all in an era where you can select only the songs you want to hear. During this time, there has also been a reverse movement, Vinyls and cassettes are popular with some people. The retrograde begins with vinyl and it is moving to cassettes.

It goes back to formats which deteriorate instead of reliably preserving the data. In the meantime, maybe music will not be for personal enjoyment anymore, and it will become an era where you can only listen to music at concerts?

Well it will probably not happen, but I think that it would be interesting if it happened. Of course I am listening to music in all formats such as CDs, vinyl, cassettes, and streaming.

It’s not because vinyl and cassettes have become popular, I just try to listen with the format of the era when the artist released the music. Apart from cassettes, if it was released in the vinyl era, I want to listen to it on vinyl as much as possible, if it’s a musician from the CD era, I’d like to listen on a CD! From the clear sounds of digital sources to analog warm tones, I am extremely happy that it has become an era where it is possible to choose.

While vinyl is leading the back to the source movement, I am looking forward to what kinds of things will come out in the future. Also, I think it is very important for young people to take up and treasure the rare stuff. I want the good stuff to be passed along to the next generation!

Question No.5:2018年は、どんな年にしたいですか?
What kind of year would you like 2018 to be?

つきなみですが、元気にライブができればいいかな?と。そして2018年は新しいアルバムを作りたいです。次回作のためのオリジナル曲のストックはあるんですがオリジナルソング以外でもいろんなチューニングを使った曲を弾きたいので、ハワイアンソングをアレンジしたり。一応そんなことを目標にですね。そして今年もできれば、ハワイで開催される、HAWAIIAN SLACK KEY GUITAR FESTIVALへ参加したいですね。

It’s a common thing to say, but I hope I can do good performances.  And in 2018 I would like to make a new album. I have a stock of original songs for my next work, but since I also have cover songs I want to play using various tunings, so I’ll arrange some Hawaiian songs. That’s my goal for this year. And if possible, I would like to participate again this year in the HAWAIIAN SLACK KEY GUITAR FESTIVAL, held in Hawaii.

Question No.6:このグローブをチョイスした理由や、気分を聞かせてください。
Please tell me the reason why you chose these gloves.


What I chose this time are the Charcoal × Black Leather Gloves. I tend to get cold easily so I was thinking I could use these to make sure there aren’t gaps with my sleeves. It’s warm because the wind does not get in from the sleeves even if you ride a bike. Moreover, because I like design to be simple, I chose a color that is not too flashy. It became my favorite.



Question No.7:手袋で思いつくエピソードがあれば教えてください。
Do you have any special thoughts or memories about gloves?


I hated kindergarten when I was a child and I always wanted to go home. At that time my teacher made a finger puppet with my knitted gloves and talked to me. It was so fun, I remember I told her that “I wanted to go home” to make her do it many times.

Question No.8:最後に、告知したいことがあればお知らせください。
Finally, anything else you want to tell us about?


◉2018.3.31(Sat) 渋谷 “meets”

Kamoku Slack key Guitar Solo Live!!
Live Start 20:00〜

東京都渋谷区宇田川町 41-28

If you are interested, please come to my concert!
◉2018.3.31 (Sat) Shibuya “meets”
Kamoku Slack key Guitar Solo Concert !!
Start 20: 00 ~ Charge: Donation
41-28 Udagawa cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
